Friday, May 18, 2018

The GREAT Flip: Democrats and Illegal Immigration

Ever since then-candidate Donald Trump announced his bid for the Oval Office, the Democrats have gone after him, doing their best to label him a bigot and hater of immigrants. It doesn’t matter that his mother and wife are immigrants. The fact those on the left seem to leave out is Trump was talking about ILLEGAL immigrants. You know, the ones that sneak over our border, refusing to go by our immigration laws.

Well, while the likes of Obama, Schumer, Feinstein, and Clinton just to name a few point fingers at President Trump for not being compassionate to those “only wanting a better life”, let’s see what they’ve said before on the subject.

All the way back in 2006 there was a bill put before Congress to strengthen our border. The law passed with a majority of votes. It’s too bad they never acted on it. Below are the DEMOCRATS who voted to secure our border. I’m sure you’ll see those who are attacking President Trump today.

Democrats who voted YES on the 2006 H.R. 6061Bill (border law)

A bill to establish operational control over the international land and maritime borders of the United States. AKA: Close the border.

Baucus (D-MT)   Bayh (D-IN)   Biden (D-DE)   Boxer (D-CA)   Byrd (D-WV)   Carper (D-DE)

Clinton (D-NY)   Conrad (D-ND)   Dayton (D-MN)   Dodd (D-CT)   Dorgan (D-ND)

Feinstein (D-CA)   Harkin (D-IA)   Johnson (D-SD)   Kohl (D-WI)   Landrieu (D-LA)

Lincoln (D-AR)   Lott (R-MS)   Mikulski (D-MD) lson (D-FL)   Nelson (D-NE)   Obama (D-IL)

Pryor (D-AR)   Rockefeller (D-WV)   Schumer (D-NY)   Stabenow (D-MI)   Wyden (D-OR)

Huh, funny how they’ve forgotten their stand on securing our border. But, let’s hear it from their own mouth…

1993-1994 Diane Feinstein (D-CA) was against illegal immigration and believed American citizens and those here LEGALLY should come first.

From CNN Democratic primary debate between Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton on Jan. 31/08, Hillary blames Latino illegals for the African-American Employment problems of the time. Wow, she was blaming others back then too. LOL

Chuck Schumer in 2009 stated: Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple.

Okay, I know Harry Reid is gone, but this was too good not to share with you.

Here’s some more Democrats who have changed their stance on illegal immigration:

In 2013, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) urged the House to support a bill that upheld the basic principle of securing our borders. Pelosi said: “The bipartisan taskforce of seven has been hard at work on legislation that echoes the spirit of the Senate bill and upholds our basic principles: to secure our borders, protect our workers, unite families, and offer an earned pathway to citizenship.”

In 2013, Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) said she supported the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act because it drastically strengthens border security. “I supported this solution because it dramatically strengthens border security, punishes employers who hire undocumented immigrants, and includes stiff consequences for those who came here illegally-while ensuring they start paying into the system.”

In 2013, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) stated he only supported the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act only after the Senate agreed on an amendment to significantly strengthen border security. Manchin went on to say: “This bill, first and foremost, secures our borders by adding 700 miles of fencing, doubles the number of border patrol agents by 20,000, and makes sure that dangerous criminals who entered this country illegally are deported first.”

In the past, Democrats were more than willing to offer huge sums of taxpayer money to keep illegal immigrants out of the United States. It doesn’t matter how much they fuss today because securing our southern border was an issue in Washington DC well before then-candidate Donald Trump made it the centerpiece of his candidacy.

It's time to educate their blind-followers on the left of the truth. Their leaders in the Democrat party are playing them for fools... again!

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