Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Art of Diversion: Democrats and Their Desire for Power

I haven’t trusted those in the leadership of the Democrat Party for years, However, the 2016 Presidential Election has proven just how far they are willing to go for power. First, they rigged the Primary against Bernie (Feel the Burn) Sanders, in order for Hillary Clinton to be crowned the DNC Candidate for President. Of course, the Liberal Media and the other Democrat Lemmings did they best to convince the American voters that Hillary was a shoe-in, and there really wasn’t any reason for a Republican to challenge her. Then as time went on and Republican candidate fell to the wayside, the Democrats worst nightmare happened… Donald Trump was the Republican candidate for President of the United States of America.

I’m sure the planners in the DNC were beside themselves with concern.  How could a New York businessman steal the limelight and have so much support from the American voter?  They knew they had better go on the attack before he was elected President.

First, they made sure Hillary got the questions BEFORE a debate with then-candidate Donald Trump.

Next, they dug up or just created a bevy of women claiming that private citizen Donald Trump had mistreated, or just downright assaulted them. Of course, nothing could have prepared them for the response they got to their accusations from Trump and his followers. The Democrats and their media puppets couldn’t understand why with everything they were throwing at him, NOTHING stuck… how was that possible?

It was possible because Donald Trump wasn’t a political coward. He showed it was possible to survive the endless attacks from those on the left, no matter how much crap they threw at you. They even had their minions in Antifa go to Trump rallies and attack his followers, both inside and outside. Then if candidate Trump made teasing comments about them, the liberal media would lose their collective minds.

However, as it became clear that Donald Trump had a real chance of winning the election, those on the left decided it was time to get serious on their mission to destroy Trump. From spying on his campaign in Trump Towers, which is NO different than Nixon’s Watergate in my humble opinion, those in the Democrat-controlled Deep State went full-on attack of ANYONE in the Trump 2016 Presidential campaign.

As a fiction novelist, I could never write a plot as twisted and downright dirty as what the Democrats have done in their desire to destroy President Trump. The whole Russia Collusion case, those in leadership telling their followers to ‘Get in the faces’ of Trump supporters, or ‘kick them’ when they go low.  I have not heard a single conservative pundit tell Patriots to attack those on the left for no reason other than their political views. What I still find amazing is that Maxine Waters hasn’t been arrested for inciting violence in her stump speeches.

Now, we have the mystery of the pipe bombs being sent to the liberal leadership. First of all, I don’t for one second believe those were sent by a conservative. Let’s begin with the fact that it’s strange how the whole thing happened. There really are some shaky details about this ridiculous domestic terrorist act. But the main reason I don’t believe the bombs were sent by a Conservative… they were worthless and didn’t blow up!! No conservative would waste their time sending something that didn’t work. LOL

That is why I firmly believe this latest fiasco was done by a Democrat operative or operatives. I believe it was done to draw attention away from the caravan marching northward, and hopefully, get the Democrat voter base all charged up and out to the polls. As this event is being investigated, I will find it interesting if we will ever know the whole truth.

The Democrats are masters of diversion. They point fingers at the Republicans and accuse them of doing all sorts of horrible things while doing those very same things themselves. They will lie and cheat their way into power, and they don’t care who gets trampled in the process.

We cannot allow the Democrats to control the narrative. Get out an vote in massive numbers, my fellow Deplorables. Our future depends on it.

Please share this post with your family and friends.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A Peaceful Group of People Headed to America ~ NOT~

Lisa Vandiver

How can anyone look at images of the caravan of illegals headed our direction and think those people are peaceful? They are scared, hungry, and want to live in America quietly. I feel sorry for you if you truly believe those who are spilling out such lies.

If President Trump backs down and allows these people in, then our country will be doomed. We will lose our way of life as we know it.

I trust our president and know he will do all he can to protect us from this MOB who are showing no respect as they head our way.

 If they think we are going to move out of the way at the borders, then they will be surprised.

President Trump has stated he has put no limit on how many troops he will send to protect our borders.

As we hold our breath and watch this angry MOB head for America, I say prayers for those brave men and women who are guarding us there, and who will have to deal with this MOB once they reach our country.

Still convinced they're peaceful? Watch the video below and tell me, do they LOOK peaceful? Please share this post with your friends and family. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Illegal Immigration and the U.S. Census

Linda L Barton

With the thousands of illegal aliens headed toward our southern border, the battle has heated up across party lines as to whether they should be allowed to enter our country. Republicans want to enforce our laws, build the wall, and ONLY allow those who come here legally. The Democrats, of course, want an open border and to allow any and all who want to come to this country no matter who they are and their intentions once here.

 We watched as past administrations caved to pressure from the Open Borders crowd by not securing the border for fear of political pushback. However, one man dared to tell the truth about the dangers of an open border. Then-candidate Donald J. Trump came down that escalator and shared his vision to Make American Great Again. He said what needed to be said without fear, and the American people rallied around him and elected him to handle the mess this country had become.

For far too long, those from other countries have come here by sneaking across our border and living in the shadows. We’ve been told we should feel bad for them, but over time, we’ve all seen this way of thinking has only added to a problem NONE of us ever wanted in OUR homeland… drugs, crime, and the weakening of our economy. However, there is another result of unfettered illegal immigration: political power.

How is that possible, you ask? I believe the TRUE reason the Democrats push so hard for illegal immigrants isn’t only for their potential vote. No, not at all. I firmly believe the true reason is to pad the U.S. census numbers. With the 2020 Census coming up, what better way to get MORE apportionment of Congressional representatives?

 If the population of illegal aliens and other long-term foreign residents were inconsequential, this would not be an important issue. However, with millions of more persons counted in the Census than the number of U.S. citizens, this is a valid major concern. Because illegal aliens should not be here in the first place, and other non-immigrants such as foreign students and guest workers are here only temporarily, it makes no sense to distribute Congressional seats as if these foreign nationals deserved representation the same as American citizens.

The U.S. population that logically should be counted in the census includes U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents. As only U.S. citizens may vote in federal elections, the apportionment of seats in Congress should only be done by the number of citizens in each state. Also, the apportionment of federal funds should be solely based on the number of citizens and legal residents of each state.

As you can clearly see states with large numbers of illegal aliens and other non-citizens, Democrats gain the advantage of additional representation in Congress. This is done at the expense of states with fewer illegal aliens and non-citizens since the total number in the House of Representatives is currently fixed by law at 435 members. If the seats in the House of Representative were reapportioned based on the distribution of U.S. citizens, the big loser of seats would be California, losing at least 6 seats. Three other states with large immigrant populations both legal and illegal would also lose at least one seat each: Texas, New York, and Florida. The winners in this reallocation of congressional representation would be the residents of Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Wisconsin. Those states each would gain at least one additional representative. Do you see a pattern here?

So, every time you hear a Democrat demanding an open border and rights for illegal immigrants, it's NOT compassion for the down-trodden. We all know that voter fraud is a major problem. However, I believe the true reason behind their protests is the desire for additional Democrat Representatives in Congress. That’s right, MORE POWER!

 We need to stop allowing the Democrats to cheat the American citizens by padding the Congress with additional, undeserved Representatives. The 2020 U.S. Census is right around the corner, which is why I’m sure they want as many illegal immigrants flooding over our southern border.

Please share this post with your family and friends. #BUILDTHEWALL #TRUMP2020

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Is Illegal Immigration a Victimless Crime?

With the images of THOUSANDS of people from Central American marching toward our southern border, we must stop our elected officials from turning a blind eye to the threat they bring with them.

A discussion for quite some time is do unskilled illegal immigrants truly lower the wages of blue-collar jobs in the US? With the Democrats wanting to open our southern border to untold THOUSANDS of illegal immigrants, this is a serious topic for many American workers.

I remember when growing up in Central California, how each harvest season there would be low-skilled workers from south of the border come to work. In my area just north of Sacramento, the tomato harvest was a big deal and many high school students would work on the harvesters as a summer job. However, over the years that seemed to change with the influx of Mexican workers taking those summer jobs. Besides, it appears once you get a generation or two from the original ones who came here, their children and grandchildren don't appear to be doing the work anymore.

A tomato harvester in California. Workers stand on the catwalk and separate unwanted items coming up the conveyor belt.
 However, over the years, it has seemed to branch out into other jobs. Whenever I hear a Democrat say we need illegal immigrants to pick our crops I cringe. First, it’s rather insulting to hear that they will do the work most Americans refuse to do. True, standing out in the hot sun, picking produce isn’t the most glamorous job, but I’m sure there are Americans who would gladly take the job if it was available to them for a fair wage. Picking crops, working in a fast food restaurant flipping burgers, mowing yards, among other low skilled jobs used to be a first job. They were never intended to be a career and done to support a family.

 The last time I checked, many workers in other fields have lost their jobs to low skilled illegal immigrant workers who are willing to work for less. I remember how a turkey processing plant in California, Missouri replaced their workers with immigrant workers to cut the cost of salaries they paid. Many of the American workers had been with the company for years, but that didn’t matter to the bottom line. The immigrant workers were bussed in with government approval, and put to work, taking good jobs from more Americans.

We are constantly told how much in taxes illegal immigrants pay. However, do they really pay that much in taxes to offset the expense of having them here? The answer is NO.

In 2017, FAIR's "The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers" report put the total cost of illegal immigration at $135 billion a year, while claiming undocumented immigrants paid only $19 billion a year in taxes. That leaves a net cost to local, state and federal governments of $116 billion per year. If you read the report, you will see just how much they cost the American taxpayer each and every year. With the howls of how we cannot afford to build the wall, this shows that we could pay for the wall the first year and have plenty of money left over to spend on improving things for the American citizen.

Another problem of opening our southern border to illegal immigrants is crime. Not only do we have to contend with violent criminals, but we also have the problem of stolen identities.

According to a recent article in The Epoch Times, studies have found that identity theft done for the purpose of illegal employment by someone in the country illegally represent a very large share of all identity theft cases. It is estimated to be between 30 percent and 60 percent of all identify fraud,”

One such case mentioned in the article states how an illegal alien stole the identity of an elderly man living in Louisiana. This poor man was denied veterans’ benefits and some other things that he was entitled to because this illegal alien apparently had been siphoning off a lot of his benefits and defrauding the man.

The article goes on to state how once identity theft is detected, it’s only the beginning for the victim. One help website says it takes up to 600 hours of contacting the appropriate institutions and agencies, reporting the fraud, getting credit repair, and attempting to reverse the damage.

39 Million SSN Have Been STOLEN by Illegal Immigrants and Guess Who’s Policies Enabled It? Read HERE

A quarter of victims end up borrowing money and 15 percent are forced to relocate and sell possessions, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center.

It can also be a huge problem if your credit has been trashed by someone racking up bills or creating a criminal history in your name. This is very difficult to get erased.

So, as you can see, illegal immigration IS NOT a victimless crime. The American people and LEGAL immigrants deserve better. We must force our elected officials to stop the influx of illegal immigrants flooding across our southern border, once and for all.

Please share this post with your family and friends. Building the wall isn't just a campaign slogan, it's necessary to protect our American way of life.

Monday, October 15, 2018

What Do You Have to Lose?

Linda L Barton

During the 2016 Presidential campaign, when talking about why black Americans should consider voting for him, then-candidate Donald Trump asked, “What Do You Have to Lose?” Of course, those in the leftist media and Democrat Party jumped on this comment and did their best to convince black voters that Trump was belittling them.  However, his words were not only true then, but with the upcoming 2018 mid-term election in a few weeks, they are just as poignant today as they were in 2016.

From day one, President Trump has been working hard to clean up the mess left behind by eight LONG years of Obama, as well both of the Bush and Clinton administrations. Ever since President Trump took control of the White House, we have learned there really is a Deep State and its many Swamp Creatures. Whoever it was that came up with the term, Drain the Swamp was brilliant. The undercurrent of Washington DC really is like a mucky, dirty swamp.

This brings me back to the purpose of this post.  As Patriots speak of supporting President Trump in this battle, we must fully understand just what it is we have to lose should the Democrats regain control of both Houses of Congress. Just the thought makes my blood run cold in my veins. They would waste NO TIME in undoing everything President Trump has done, as well as moving to destroy the President and anyone else they deem as in their way to total control.

We need to remember all the CRAP Obama did during his time in the White House. How he managed to paint our military and law enforcement as villains and an enemy of the people.  How he managed to DOUBLE our national debt while sending BILLIONS to people around the world that hate us.  He destroyed the spirit of the everyday American, who was just trying to scratch out a living for their family by saying they were greedy because they wanted to keep more of THEIR money. He put the interests of illegals and refugees before those of the American citizen. Obama played the American people like a finely-tuned violin and used our silence against us.

Of course, while Obama was killing the wealth of the middle-class American, he was stuffing his own pockets with taxpayer money. With endless lavish vacations and parties in the White House for his Hollywood friends, the average American was struggling just to pay their bills. Yes, the whole ‘Hope and Change’ thing only meant that we, as Americans only hoped we still had some change left in our pockets.

So, my fellow Patriots, what do we have to lose? The answer is quite simple… OUR FREEDOM AND COUNTRY. We cannot just sit at home this November and think others will vote for us. We need to vote in massive numbers to offset the voter fraud we all know will happen at the hands of the Democrats. We have far too much to lose if we do not vote. I challenge to you ask yourself just what it is you have to lose for not voting.

Please share this with your family and friends. Make sure we flood the voting polls with proud Patriots.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Bullying: A Weapon of Hate

Linda L Barton

For years we have heard of our children being bullied.  The stories are sometimes horrific and difficult to hear, but as parents, we must listen and act to protect our children from these despicable acts of hate.  Over the years, those in government have proclaimed their displeasure with bullying and have demanded legislation to prevent this from happening. However, how can passing a law stop someone full of hate from attacking others?

Those on the Left use bullying as a political weapon. How is that, you say? First, they label anyone who dares speak out against the steady movement toward Socialism as a bully. President Trump, for daring to speak his mind has been labeled a bully by the Democrats.  Political Corrections is a weapon used by those on the left.  They use it to silence anyone who refuses to tow the liberal line and to shut down free speech.

However, the Democrats have taken things to a whole new level and are now the bullies they claim to hate. With the electing of President Trump, the Democrats have proven they will use whatever means necessary to regain power. They have already proven they will lie, cheat, and steal to win, but paying protestors to attack Conservatives is a new low.

As we all watched the Judge Kavanaugh hearings, it became abundantly clear the Democrats will stop at nothing to get their way. From sending screaming women to attack Republican lawmakers in elevators and their offices, disrupting the hearing with shouting and chants to sending death threats to the Kavanaugh family. These are the acts of bullies. Yet, the Liberal Leftist Media seems to condone the actions of the bullies protesting against Judge Kavanaugh.

Is this the direction of the Democrat Party today? Well, from several of those in the higher level of the party it appears to be so.

Well, there you have it, my fellow Patriots.  This is what freedom-loving Americans are facing today from those on the Left.  I remember those words said by President Obama, “We won. Elections have consequences.” Well, maybe someone needs to remind the Democrats of that fact.  Our side won the 2016 Presidential election, so it’s time the Democrats get over it.  If we could survive 8 long years of Obama, they can survive 8 years of Trump.

We need to ignore the shouts from those on the left and get out in massive numbers on November 6, 2018. We cannot allow the Leftists to regain control of Congress. Our futures depend on it.  We need to cover this country with a powerful RED wave!!

Please talk to your family and friends. Let them know they must vote to protect us from the Blue Wave of Socialism threatening our great country. Stand tall, my fellow Patriots. Together we can save our Republic from the haters on the Left. Let's wash this country with a big, beautiful REDWAVE!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Hate, violence, and death threats: The New Normal?

In present day American political culture, civility is seen as weakness and rational discussion is dead. Death threats toward politicians, who may not support "correct policies" on any given issue, are appalling in both frequency and tone.

From PJMedia:

In a post Thursday at far-left antifa website Incendiary News, an activist advocated for revolutionaries to rise up and "slaughter" what he called "fascistic Border Patrol dogs and their bosses," Far Left Watch reported on Friday.

Disturbingly, far-left activists have in recent months become more brazenly militant and violent in their rhetoric on their websites and social media, as PJ Media has documented here, here, here, here, and here.
continue reading

The election of Donald Trump was a severe jolt to the so-called establishment on both sides of the aisle and activated seditionist ole George to open up his purse strings and fund ANTIFA, a euphemistically termed anti-hate group.
From AFA:
ANTIFA is actually a radical communist group. Their funding comes mainly from George Soros, and thus, they get paid to be a “fly in the ointment.” They claim lofty ideals, but all they really stand for is radical communism. In doing some research for this blog, I watched several videos on ANTIFA, the Berkeley riots, and other ANTIFA related groups around the world. ANTIFA’s main tactic is chaos, shouting down anyone with whom they disagree with calls of fascist, racist, bigot, etc. Entire article

ANTIFA is becoming more unhinged and dangerous. Their street "soldiers" are primarily useful idiots, but the elitist drivers behind them as well as of other resistance groups are deadly serious. A deadly increase of violence continues to grow.

The entire Kavanaugh nomination/hearing process is the epitome of elitist manipulated activism. Rape threats against Susan Collins and her staff are horrendous enough. However, the callousness And hypocrisy of Eric Swalwell's (D) reaction is eye opening to say the least..

From The Federalist:
Early Thursday morning, the Democratic congressman replied to news that Sen. Susan Collins said her office had received numerous nasty voicemails, including a rape threat, by tweeting: “Boo hoo hoo. You’re a senator who police will protect. A sexual assault victim can’t sleep in her home tonight because of threats. Where are you sleeping? She’s on her own while you and your @SenateGOP colleagues try to rush her through a hearing.”...

Senate staffers generally do not have police protection, which means it is likely this threatened staffer is traveling to and from work without any sort of a security detail. Swalwell’s assertion that threats of rape are unimportant because Collins has a security detail doesn’t make any sense in this context. It’s also hugely hypocritical compared to the frequent Democrat accusation that Republicans don’t care about sexual assault. continue

What Kavanaugh's family is now going through exemplifies the Leftist approach to free speech.
From Great American Politics:May ‘Your Kids BURN IN HELL’ – Libs Target Kavanaugh Daughters With Death Threats:

Not only do liberals not want Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the Supreme Court, but they’re willing to do whatever it takes to make sure his life is destroyed – including threatening the lives of his wife and young daughters. more

On a slightly different but related note, unfortunately many female candidates both Dem & GOP are targets for harassment.
From the NYT:
Four days before the 2016 congressional primary in her Northern California district, Erin Schrode woke up to tens of thousands of messages. They were everywhere: in her email, on her cellphone, on her Facebook and her Twitter and her Instagram. 

“All would laugh with glee as they gang raped her and then bashed her bagel eating brains in,” one said.

“It’d be amusing to see her take twenty or so for 8 or 10 hours,” another said, again suggesting gang-rape. entire article
Talk about misogyny!

Manipulated unbridled hatred is no longer creeping into our culture. The Kavanaugh hearings, the latest upset for the elites, has apparently driven them out of the closet. If they lose SCOTUS, the ramifications for them could be insurmountable and they know it.

America, be prepared!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Republicans Have Chosen City for 2020 Presidential Convention and Democrats are LOSING Their Minds!

By Linda L Barton

Well, it looks as though the Republican Party has done it again. They've managed to upset the looney leftists in the Democrat Party by choosing to hold their 2020 Presidential Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. Why would that upset the Democrats, you ask? Well, you see, it seems as though the looney leftists don't understand that Charlotte is NOT Charlottesville. Yep, you've got it right. They don't seem to understand they are bitching about the WRONG city!

Here are some rather amusing examples found on Twitter:

And here is another one:

Of course, this one is a hoot:

And here's a final one to drive home just how STUPID they really are:

Well, there you have it, my fellow Patriots. Once again those on the left have proven they will bitch about ANYTHING, even if they're wrong!!  To be honest, I've always been one to arm myself with facts before shooting off my mouth, but I guess if you're a liberal the facts are just a waste of time. I'm curious how long it will take them to realize their mistake. LOL

Please share this post, AND you'll make me smile is you follow my blog.  I’d also LOVE to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

President Trump vs. President Putin

By Linda L Barton

Well, I decided to wait awhile before commenting on the summit between President Trump and President Putin. I must admit when it comes to the Democrats, media, and the weak-kneed Republicans I was not disappointed.

First of all, I've been watching the media pundits on Fox News tripping all over themselves praising Chris Wallace for his interview with Putin. I watched it and I felt Wallace was grandstanding and was only continuing with the big lie of Russia collusion.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Putin is a good guy and should always be trusted. However, I am saying that he is NO worse than some of the other world leaders the US calls friends.  Heck, the meeting with Kim Jung-un wasn't bashed by those on the right the way yesterday's meeting with Putin. Kim Jung-un was threatening to drop Nuclear bombs on the USA, so as far as I'm concerned he was a much bigger threat to us than Russia.

In my opinion, what President Trump did yesterday was proper. I'm sure behind the scenes, he spoke with force. However, you don't bad mouth a potential enemy in public. You need to allow someone like Putin, who has the capacity to nuke our country to save face in the eyes of the public. Are those all butt-chapped about what happened yesterday ready for WWIII??? I sure hope not.

As to the Russia collusion crap, that is just an excuse for Hillary Clinton losing an election that the Democrats were sure was in their hip pocket. They had rigged the primary against Bernie Feel-the-Burn Sanders and made voter fraud much easier by giving illegals drivers licenses in several states and not requiring a valid ID. Also, where is the damn DNC server that Russia was supposed to have hacked into and how does the FBI and other alphabet government organizations know for a fact it was the Russians????

I would LOVE for some media pundit to bring up the fact it would be IMPOSSIBLE for the amount of data stolen from the DNC to go undetected during a download because it would take FOREVER! Yet, if some insider were to use a zip-drive it would only take minutes. Of course, until we get to see the server it will never be known just how all that data made it into the hands of WikiLeaks. Isn't that convenient?

So, this is where we are today. President Trump seems to be the only one with a level head when it comes to dealing with Russia. I understand that the Democrats need a boogieman, but the Republicans are playing right into the Dem's hands. Well, this comes as no surprise really. We are dealing with neo-cons in the GOP, or RINO's as they are better known.

Another thing that gets my goat is how it was totally okay for Obama to chum around with Castro, but Trump is bashed for trying to have a dialogue with the Russian leader. Heck, Cuba is a puppet of the Russians.  And don't even get me started on Hillary Clinton and her Uranium One deal with the Russians... talk about collusion!! I must admit that I nearly fell out of my chair yesterday when Putin brought up the money paid to Clinton. LOL

So, my fellow Stinkin' Deplorable Hillbillies (I had to use our new name along with our old one.  LOL), it's up to us to stand strong for President Trump. We need to let our elected officials understand if they bail on President Trump that we'll bail on them.

Please share this post, AND you'll make me smile is you follow my blog.  I’d also LOVE to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

The #WalkAway Movement Gave Me Courage!

By Linda L Barton

After reading post after post on the Facebook #WalkAway group, I decided I needed to be honest with myself and my Facebook friends. As an Award-Winning, International Bestselling Author, I have split my posts on Facebook between Patriot posts and those for everyone else. I had done this so as not to offend any potential readers and my more liberal-leaning writer friends and those in the entertainment business. However, I have come to realize that I can no longer deny my TRUE feelings out of fear because it's a lie.

Here is the Facebook post I made yesterday when I had my own #WalkAway moment. No, I didn't walk away from a political party. I walked away from the lie I was living by not being honest with myself and everyone else on Facebook.

The #WalkAway movement has opened my eyes to my own cowardness.
Since President Trump was elected I have separated my political posts from my regular ones so as not to "offend" my more liberal author and reader friends. However, I feel I can no longer hide my TRUE feelings.
If the fact that I'm a conservative Trump supporter offends you then go ahead and unfriend me. Neither of us needs the drama of battling each other over politics. I just feel it's time I stop hiding for fear of losing readers for my books. If you cannot separate my books from my political views then so be it.
We have allowed politicians to use us for far too long in their quest for power. I will NO LONGER be used.
I am NOT a racist. The color of our skin is not who we are. That is our heart and soul.
I am NOT a homophobe. It is not my place to say who you love.
I am NOT a Fascist. The true fascists are the Democrats and their Antifa henchmen.
I am NOT an Islamaphobe. I don't hate the followers of Islam. I don't trust the ones wanting to kill me because I'm an infidel in their eyes.
I don't really hate anyone. I give everyone a blank slate and allow them to fill it in. How I perceive them is entirely up to them.
I'm NOT a Russian bot either.
I proudly support the military and law enforcement.
I believe in the rule of law. 
I do NOT believe that people who cross our border ILLEGALLY have any right to be here or are entitled to receiving ANY taxpayer-funded benefits. They are NOT undocumented, they broke our law.
I do NOT believe we should be allowing so-called refugees to come here who do not want to assimilate into OUR culture. If you like Sharia Law so much STAY where it's the law of the land. We have a Constitution here.
I believe there should be term limits for our elected politicians.
I do NOT believe judges should use personal opinion when making a ruling. NO judge should ever be considered liberal or conservative. Justice is supposed to be BLIND!
If you feel the need to attack me for my beliefs, you're wasting your time. Facebook has made it easy to erase me from your newsfeed by unfriending and unfollowing me. I will understand and there will be no hard feelings from me. I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech, even if I don't agree with it.
This is my personal message to the Democrat and Republican Party Elites... You can keep your Donkey and Elephant... I have a LION! 
I cannot begin to tell you how freeing it was to come clean with my TRUE beliefs. I'm sure I will no longer get too many liberal people to be on my Deadly Reads podcast, and I'm sure this will hurt my book sales. But to be honest with you... I DON'T CARE!

After reading the stories of those on #WalkAway, I realized I was just being a coward. I can no longer put my writing career above the welfare of this great country. I want to personally thank Brandon Straka for beginning this wonderful movement. We have allowed corrupt politicians to keep up apart for far too long.

If you haven't joined the #WalkAwat page yet, I HIGHLY recommend it. The stories from everyday Americans from all walks of life will not only inspire you but will give you hope for the future.

The Elites in both parties have controlled us long enough. We are awake and sharing our stories. We will NO LONGER be used! I would rather have fewer people friending me on Facebook than continuing with the lie and hiding that I'm a proud Trump supporter, Deplorable, and Conservative Patriot.

I'm sure my time on Facebook from now on will be quite interesting. #Trump2020

Please share this post, AND you'll make me smile is you follow my blog.  I’d also LOVE to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Gal Gadot AKA: Wonder Woman Visits Children's Hospital

By Linda L Barton

Far too often lately we hear nothing but negativity from those in the movie industry. However, every now and then we hear that a favorite actor or actress doesn't follow the far-left liberal, It's all about ME Party line. One such actress is Gal Gadot.

The first time I had heard of Gadot was in the new Wonder Woman. I must admit that I enjoyed her performance. However, I am now a fan after hearing that she took time out of her day of filming to visit the Inova Children’s Hospital in Washington DC.

Did you see the smile on that child's face? I LOVE it!!

My heart is melting. What an adorable baby!

There you have it, my fellow Deplorables. Wonder Woman actually walks the walk, not just gives empty lip service. I'm looking forward to Wonder Woman 2.

 Please share this post, AND you'll make me smile is you follow my blog.  I’d also LOVE to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

What is a Democratic Socialist?

By Linda L Barton

Yesterday’s New York primary ended in a way that most never expected. Believe it or not, the primary voters of NY chose a Democratic Socialist to run in the November mid-term election. Apparently, the voters haven’t heard that Socialism DOESN’T WORK!

However, the unthinkable happened when the 10-term incumbent Democrat, Rep. Joe Crowley lost to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old Socialist in the 14th district of New York. Even Ms. Ocasio-Cortez was surprised by her win.

I’m sure this was a difficult pill for the Democrat Party elites to swallow as Rep. Crowley was the 4th ranking Democrat in the House.  He had hoped to become the Democrat leader since Pelosi is so unpopular with many in the Democrat leadership. It’s funny how life will throw you a surprise.  Now a 28-year-old socialist activist has kicked him to the curb. Way to go, New York 14th district voters.

So, just what did the NY voters choose? What is Democratic Socialism? Well, it’s quite simple.

It seems the Democrats have been going through a wide range of names they call anyone who supports President Trump. We started out as Deplorables (my favorite), then we moved on to racists, haters, bigots, and on and on. However, the latest name they are throwing at us is over the line; Nazis.

Those on the left have breathlessly compared President Trump to Hitler. They’ve also compared our law enforcement to the Nazi Germany “Gestapo,” which is the abbreviation of Geheime Staatspolizei or Secret State Police. This was the official secret police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe. However, the Democrats of today do not seem to understand history and the term Socialist or Nazi.

While the leftists are pointing fingers and screaming “Nazi” at Trump supporters, they are proving just how ignorant of the facts they are.

Let’s start with the word "Nazi." For those on the left who love the throw it around, Nazi was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei. The English translation: The National Socialist German Workers' Party.

What?? But, how is that possible?? I’m sure the liberals would be surprised to learn this fact. You see, the platform of the Democrat Party today is right out of the Nazi/Socialist playbook. Complete government control over every aspect of lives, the government having control over our children, and dividing the people into groups with chosen favorites over the others.

Labeling a group of people as unfit and the need to eradicate them is something right out of the Nazi handbook. In Nazi Germany, it was the Jews. This hate led to the murder of over six million Jews in the German Concentration Camps. Today, the targets are Americans who support President Trump.

The far-left fringes of the Democrat Party are calling for violence against those who support President Trump just as the Nazis did against the Jews in 1930’s Germany. Another frightening fact is if you’re a Christian, get ready to have a BIG bulls-eye on your back. This is why those on the left are trying to take our gun rights. Those millions of Jews who were forced on those trains and taken to their deaths had surrendered their guns and freedoms.

If liberals love the idea of Socialism so much why don’t they go visit Venezuela? The once wealthy country is now in shambles. The people are starving. Heck, they’ve even resorted to eating the animals in zoos. There have even been reports of cannibalism.

However, as always, those in power in Socialist regimes never go without.

As you can plainly see, Socialism is a clear case of the Haves and Have-Nots. Those in power live in luxury and have plenty to eat. While the people STARVE and die from illness.

So, this brings us back to the victory of a self-pronounced Socialist yesterday in New York. This is what she had this to say after her victory:

“This is not an end, this is the beginning. This is the beginning because the message that we sent the world tonight is that it’s not OK to put donors before your community. You have given this country hope, you have given this country proof that when you knock on your neighbor’s door, when you come to them with love, when you let them know that no matter your stance, you are there for them — that we can make change.”

We can make change? Just what change are you wanting? Do you want us eating the animals in zoos so we don’t starve? Do you want the government to control every aspect of our lives? Do you want the divide between the elites in government and the common citizen to grow even wider? Have any of you ever watched the movie series, The Hunger Games?

The Nazis called their movement, The New Order. Does that ring a bell with any of you, my fellow Deplorables? It sure does to me. I remember the first time I heard a similar term said by a past American president. Do you remember when Bush 43 uttered the term, New World Order?

So, just what are Alexandria’s goals if she reaches Congress? Universal healthcare, a guaranteed job for everyone, and the abolition of ICE. Does that sound like the United States of America?

My fellow Deplorables, we are facing dangerous days ahead. The civil war many have warned us about it already here. While we may not have pronounced war on the leftists, they sure as heck have pronounced war on us.

Sheriff Clarke said it best:

He’s right. We can no longer hide behind our computer screens, only sharing memes and posts like this one you’re reading now. We must be ready to stand up and fight against this steady movement toward socialism and the New World Order by getting out and voting is VAST numbers this November. We did it to put President Trump in the White House, we can do it again. Our futures and the future of our children and grandchildren are at risk if we sit at home and not vote.

If you want to help in getting strong Constitutional Conservatives elected this November, PLEASE contact The America First Coalition and join our Boots on the Ground Movement. We need volunteers at all levels. No job is too small. Even making a few phone calls are a great help.

Click here to go to our website and join today!
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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Arizona Deplorables: You Have the Opportunity to Help President Trump

By Linda L Barton

We are all hoping the mid-term elections in November will bring more Conservatives to DC.  President Trump needs help to get his agenda through the halls of Congress. With the Democrats sitting on their hands and the RINO’s refusing to set up and do what they were elected to do, we need to send those who are on the same page as President Trump.

Senators McCain and Flake have not well represented our fellow Patriots in Arizona. However, they have the opportunity to elect a true Conservative who will support President Trump in November by casting their vote for Dr. Kelly Ward (R) Arizona.

As you can see she is a strong supporter of the Trump Agenda. BUILD THE WALL!

Let’s take a look at Kelli’s stance on important subjects:

The Constitution - Kelli agrees with the late Justice Scalia’s view that the Constitution is not a living organism. It's a legal document, and it says what it says and doesn't say what it doesn't say. She also believes our rights are granted by God, not government.
Education – Kelli believes it’s important to rethink the way our education system is run. We need to stop letting faraway politicians micromanage our children’s education. Politicians in Washington don’t know what’s best for kids in Arizona, parents do. Kelli supports school choice for all families, no matter where they live.
Faith & Family - Kelli believes traditional principles and values strengthen our communities and make America stronger. Her professional record as a physician and her record as an Arizona State Senator have proven that she is and has always been pro-life.
Gun Rights – Kelli believes there is no right more fundamental to the character and safety of our nation than the right to keep and bear arms. Our Founding Fathers understood that fact, which is why our constitution ensures that it shall not be infringed. She was endorsed by the Gun Owners of America and National Association for Gun Rights in 2016.
Healthcare - Kelli has seen all sides of America’s healthcare system, from medical school to private practice, to the emergency room, and beyond. She knows there is nothing wrong with our healthcare system that can be fixed by Washington politicians or scheming bureaucrats. ObamaCare is a disaster for patients, doctors, and taxpayers, and must be fully repealed in favor of free market solutions.
Immigration - National Security starts with border security. We can never be secure as a nation as long as we have wide open borders and a dysfunctional immigration system. We cannot reward breaking our laws with citizenship, ever.
Jobs & Economy - Personal responsibility, government meddling less in our day-to-day lives, and lower taxes are key ingredients to stimulate economic growth and job creation. So often we hear statistics and generalities, but one’s job is a deeply personal issue and a major aspect of their life. We need to focus on the dignity and independence that good jobs provide and adjust our policies accordingly.
National Security - As a military wife of a husband who has been deployed overseas, Kelli supports military engagement only as a last resort, only when Constitutionally approved by Congress, and only when there is a clear strategy for decisive victory. She does not support endless occupations and expensive nation-building overseas.
Kelli Ward believes, like Ronald Reagan, in "Peace Through Strength,” alongside a realistic and restrained foreign policy. We simply cannot afford to be the world's policeman anymore, and weak half-measures often cause more problems than they solve.
Veterans - As a child, Kelli’s grandmother would take her to the VFW for every holiday, parade, and event. As an adult, she’s been a supportive military wife and has worried and waited for her husband to return from Iraq, where he was being rocketed on a daily basis. That’s why she’s a life member of the VFW Auxiliary.
Since she and Mike moved to Arizona in 1999, and throughout her time as a state legislator, Kelli has been a steadfast supporter of the Arizona National Guard and all members of the military in Arizona.
It’s as important as ever that we honor our veterans by fixing the disastrous VA and ensure that they receive the best healthcare this country has to offer — without red tape and bureaucracy.
As you can see, Dr. Kelli Ward supports the things President Trump has been trying to do since he took control of the White House.

She also has strong support from other Conservatives.

I’m so excited for the Deplorables in Arizona. They have the opportunity to send a strong Conservative to Senate in DC. President Trump needs all the help he can get!

Well, there you have it, my fellow Deplorables. Get out and vote for Dr. Kelli Ward this November and help President Trump KEEP AMERICA GREAT!!

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Monday, June 18, 2018

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley Says NO MORE!

By Linda L Barton

Most Conservatives I know are NOT huge fans of the United Nations. In fact, most of us wish the US would pull out and kick them out. We’ve been forced to pay most of the cost of this organization that is corrupt and honestly, a complete joke. Well, it looks like things could get heated between the United States and those on the U.N. Human Rights Council.

It is being said the US pullout is “imminent,” and diplomats have said it’s not a question of IF but WHEN the United States will pull out of the Human Rights Council, which is holding a three-week session through July 6.”

However, this isn’t the first time U.N. Ambassador Haley has spoken about the problems with the Human Rights Council.

It’s hard to imagine countries that regularly violate human rights are allowed to sit on the council. As Ambassador Haley stated, sitting on the council is a privilege.

The Human Rights Council had no problem inviting Iranian Justice Minister Alireza Avaei, a man cited as one of the most brutal men in the world to address it, and a look at the new members inaugurated in 2017 into the Council shows a list of some of the most anti-human rights governments in existence.

Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

President George W. Bush boycotted the Human Rights Council for three years before Barack Obama rejoined it in 2009. Last month, the notoriously anti-Israel Council voted to accuse Israel of excessive use of force. The United States and Australia were the only two members of the 47-member body to vote against the resolution.

This video asks an important question of those sitting on the UN Human Rights Council.

We must stand strong with Israel. In Genesis 12:3 it is written: “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Regardless of what many liberals and Muslim Extremists claim, the United States of America IS a Christian nation. We believe the teachings laid out in the Holy Bible, and we will ALWAYS stand strong with Israel.

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