Tuesday, July 17, 2018

President Trump vs. President Putin

By Linda L Barton

Well, I decided to wait awhile before commenting on the summit between President Trump and President Putin. I must admit when it comes to the Democrats, media, and the weak-kneed Republicans I was not disappointed.

First of all, I've been watching the media pundits on Fox News tripping all over themselves praising Chris Wallace for his interview with Putin. I watched it and I felt Wallace was grandstanding and was only continuing with the big lie of Russia collusion.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Putin is a good guy and should always be trusted. However, I am saying that he is NO worse than some of the other world leaders the US calls friends.  Heck, the meeting with Kim Jung-un wasn't bashed by those on the right the way yesterday's meeting with Putin. Kim Jung-un was threatening to drop Nuclear bombs on the USA, so as far as I'm concerned he was a much bigger threat to us than Russia.

In my opinion, what President Trump did yesterday was proper. I'm sure behind the scenes, he spoke with force. However, you don't bad mouth a potential enemy in public. You need to allow someone like Putin, who has the capacity to nuke our country to save face in the eyes of the public. Are those all butt-chapped about what happened yesterday ready for WWIII??? I sure hope not.

As to the Russia collusion crap, that is just an excuse for Hillary Clinton losing an election that the Democrats were sure was in their hip pocket. They had rigged the primary against Bernie Feel-the-Burn Sanders and made voter fraud much easier by giving illegals drivers licenses in several states and not requiring a valid ID. Also, where is the damn DNC server that Russia was supposed to have hacked into and how does the FBI and other alphabet government organizations know for a fact it was the Russians????

I would LOVE for some media pundit to bring up the fact it would be IMPOSSIBLE for the amount of data stolen from the DNC to go undetected during a download because it would take FOREVER! Yet, if some insider were to use a zip-drive it would only take minutes. Of course, until we get to see the server it will never be known just how all that data made it into the hands of WikiLeaks. Isn't that convenient?

So, this is where we are today. President Trump seems to be the only one with a level head when it comes to dealing with Russia. I understand that the Democrats need a boogieman, but the Republicans are playing right into the Dem's hands. Well, this comes as no surprise really. We are dealing with neo-cons in the GOP, or RINO's as they are better known.

Another thing that gets my goat is how it was totally okay for Obama to chum around with Castro, but Trump is bashed for trying to have a dialogue with the Russian leader. Heck, Cuba is a puppet of the Russians.  And don't even get me started on Hillary Clinton and her Uranium One deal with the Russians... talk about collusion!! I must admit that I nearly fell out of my chair yesterday when Putin brought up the money paid to Clinton. LOL

So, my fellow Stinkin' Deplorable Hillbillies (I had to use our new name along with our old one.  LOL), it's up to us to stand strong for President Trump. We need to let our elected officials understand if they bail on President Trump that we'll bail on them.

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