While the Democrats are doing everything possible short of going through the Trump Towers garbage bins to "get the goods on Trump", they have some odorous trash of their own.
And yes, the GOP is certainly not a collection of Angels. However, they have yet to master the art of making dirty tricks and outright lies overshadow the truth to the point that falsehood becomes reality in the minds of the public. However, the Democrats have now engaged in over reach and the citizenry is awakening to their lies and to the MSM purveyors of such.
Let us examine just a few of the superabundant naughty actions by the party of self righteous indignation over Trump's victory:
Excerpts with links to the entire articles:
DEAR CNN: Here’s A CHILLING NEW Scandal Exposing Democrats – Would THIS Be ‘News?’
HEY CNN! You’ve been LOOKING for a ‘foreign hacking’ story! Jackpot!
Why is it that so many of the highest-ranking Democrats have SO much scandal swirling around them?
Obama’s old Campaign manager just got a $90k fine for illegally lobbying … Rahm Emmanuel.
Brazile (DNC chair) gave Hillary advanced notice of the questions when she worked with CNN.
DWS (DNC chair before her) worked to help Hillary and hurt Bernie… before joining Hillary’s campaign team.
And now… after all the madness we saw with the private server issues. After all the allegations of HACKING! By RUSSIA! We are seeing yet ANOTHER story involving private servers, money and foreign influence.
Maybe if we tell CNN that Russia was involved somehow, they might take an interest in the story.
Let’s put it in terms simple enough that even Don Lemon could understand. Men who are NOW under criminal investigation have had IT access to highly-sensitive government documents for about a decade. Also, they are from Pakistan. This wouldn’t matter much, except that there is a criminal investigation. And foreign money involved. And unauthorized duplication of files... .
.....Investigators found that congressional information was being copied to an off-site server and they suspect the brothers of improperly accessing information and stealing congressional property. Chiefs of staff for the employing Democrats were notified Feb. 2. —DailyCaller
So the same Debbie Wasserman-Schultz that finger-waves about Russia and hacking was HERSELF employing men who were a threat to the security of our information. And when this came to light, CONTINUED to employ one of them on her staff.With all the scandals she’s been a personal witness to, (if not an actual participant in) at what point does she become complicit? Or at least start to lose her own security clearances? continue
More Crooked Democrats: Police Raid Offices of Indiana Voter Registration Project in Voter Fraud Case by Jim Holt Gateway Pundit
Indiana police raided the offices of the Indiana Voter Registration Project in north Indianapolis on Tuesday in a growing voter fraud case.
It is not clear who established or funded the Indiana Voter Registration Project. However, the group released a statement through spokeswoman Christy Setzer, whose PR firm’s website says she has worked as a Democratic strategist for the presidential campaigns of Al Gore, Howard Dean and Chris Dodd.
USA Today reported: Indiana State Police investigators on Tuesday searched a voter registration agency on Indianapolis’ north side as they look into a voter fraud case that spans nine counties.
The investigation began in late August when police learned of the filing of fraudulent voter registration forms in Marion and Hendricks counties.
The investigation has expanded from Marion and Hendricks counties to include Allen, Delaware, Hamilton, Hancock, Johnson, Lake and Madison counties, according to a statement from State Police.
Police said the growing number of involved counties leads investigators to believe that the number of fraudulent records might be in the hundreds.
The possible fraudulent information is a combination of fake names, addresses and dates of birth with real information.
As part of the expanded investigation, State Police detectives served a search warrant for the business offices of the Indiana Voter Registration Project in the 2400 block of North Meridian Street. source
First on CNN: Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe under federal investigation for campaign contributions
Washington (CNN)Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe is the subject of an ongoing investigation by the FBI and prosecutors from the Justice Department's public integrity unit, U.S. officials briefed on the probe say.
The investigation dates to at least last year and has focused, at least in part, on whether donations to his gubernatorial campaign violated the law, the officials said.
McAuliffe wasn't notified by investigators that he is a target of the probe, according to the officials.
"The Governor will certainly cooperate with the government if he is contacted about it," said Marc Elias, attorney for McAuliffe campaign, in a statement to CNN.
As part of the probe, the officials said, investigators have scrutinized McAuliffe's time as a board member of the Clinton Global Initiative, a vehicle of the charitable foundation set up by former President Bill Clinton. more

Congressional Black Corruption by Michelle Malkin July 13, 2016 12:00 AM @michellemalkin
Too many black leaders would rather break the law to line their pockets than take care of their constituents.
We’re naming names. If Black Lives Matter, then why have entrenched members of the Congressional Black Caucus spent more time enriching themselves than taking care of their neglected constituents?
Too many social-justice protesters are busy throwing shade, rocks, bottles, concrete blocks, and vicious death threats at police officers of all colors who are trying to keep the peace.
Instead of moaning about “#WhitePrivilege,” I invite radical racial identity warriors to join me in taking on the black political elites selling out their people. Help expose the most crooked members of the caucus of Congressional Black Corruption:
Corrine Brown: This twelve-term Democrat from Florida received a 24-count federal indictment last week while her Congressional Black Caucus colleagues tried to drown out the news with diversionary gun-control theatrics....
Chaka Fattah: This eleven-term Pennsylvania Democrat was convicted in late June on 23 charges of racketeering, money laundering, and fraud, along with four other co-defendants. His son was sentenced earlier this year to a five-year prison term after being found guilty of 22 counts of separate federal bank- and tax-fraud charges related to his misuse of business loans and federal education contracts to pay for designer clothes, massive bar tabs, and luxury cars. Fattah the Elder’s crimes are tied to schemes to repay an illegal $1 million campaign loan. Like his rotten apple of a son, Fattah siphoned off federal grant money and nonprofit funds (including donations to his educational foundation — sound familiar?) to pay off political consultants.... The con artists inside your own communities are your own worst enemies.
Eddie Bernice Johnson: This twelve-term Democrat from Dallas similarly helped steer thousands of dollars in Congressional Black Caucus Foundation college scholarships to four family members and two of her top aide’s children, in violation of the nonprofit’s rules.
Maxine Waters: This 13-term Beltway swamp queen from California and past chair of the Congressional Black Caucus walked away with a slap on the wrist from the toothless House Ethics Committee in 2012 after being charged with multiple ethics violations related to her meddling in minority-owned OneUnited Bank. The banks’ executives donated $12,500 to Mad Maxine’s congressional campaigns. Her husband, Sidney Williams, was an investor in one of the banks that merged into OneUnited....
Alcee Hastings, the twelve-term Florida corruptocrat impeached by a federal judge in 1989 for making false statements and producing false documents in a 1983 criminal trial accusing him of seeking a $150,000 bribe. He went on to win a seat in Congress in 1992 and used his position to enrich his various lady friends – he paid one girlfriend-turned-congressional-deputy-district-director more than half a million dollars in salary, and paid another female “staff assistant” to accompany him on his endless junkets abroad... More Democrats Democrats Threaten to Eat Their Own Partisan Lines Stay Fixed amid Trump Turmoil New Jersey Democrats: We Pledge To Punish Your Employer! Those few are just the start. ..
There’s Texas’s Sheila Jackson Lee and the Medicare fraud racket involving a local hospital in her district;
Greg Meeks and his $400,000 earmark for a fake health clinic in New York City and Caribbean resort jaunts underwritten by convicted financier Allen Stanford;
and Wisconsin’s Gwen Moore and her lavishly paid friends and family...
And, of course, the ethics violations, shady business deals, and tax troubles from New York’s Charlie Rangel deserve their own encyclopedia.
My message for BLM? Put down your black-power fists and weapons. Give a rest to the “#BlueLivesMurder” and “Fry ’em up like bacon” chants...
Aim your outrage at self-serving black leaders and their abject failure to improve black people’s lives. —More on each of the above here
And last but not least, what would a discussion of Democrat corruption be without the Clintons. The write up From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer by David A Graham in the Atlantic is indeed an extensive work with lots of details and links. Enjoy (or be disgusted by) the read. He discusses the following in detail:
The Clintons’ Private Email Server
Clinton’s State Department Emails
Conflicts of Interest in Foggy Bottom
Sidney Blumenthal
The Speeches
The Clinton Foundation
The Bad Old Days
Although many are well aware of some if not much of what is discussed, there is a definite possibility that many heretofore unknown nuggets and gems to the reader will be revealed.
The Clintons epitomized the corrupt underbelly of the parasitic insider Washington DC elitist club.
It is pure outrage that this condition exists. Is it any wonder that Trump's phrase "Drain The Swamp" instantly caught on?
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